Design a Reddit Crawler

Design a website that allows users to stay up to date in their areas of interest (e.g. news, movies, music) in a glimpse. Use reddit channels as the source for information. The page should be available through a simple web-interface that can be accessed on desktop as well as from mobile devices. Also, think of additional features that help finding the right articles/posts fast or would improve the website in general.

/1 Understanding the problem

/2 Gathering information and getting inspiration

What is a Web Crawler? 🤔

It is a spider or spider bot and often shortened to crawler, is an Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web.

/3 Wireframing

/4 Prototyping - Web

Light mode
Dark mode

/5 Prototyping - Mobile App

Preference test: Which one would you pick?

A: Your news channels are on top and no navigation bar or floating buttons.

B: Your news channels are in a floating button. Clicking on it you can filter which channels you want to browse or add new.

Light mode
Dark mode